
Volition is the ability to turn your goals into results. This is not so easy, as it requires a high level of willpower and self-direction. Here you will find important strategies and resources to strengthen your own volition level.

I enjoy tackling and implementing things. In doing so, I focus completely on the task at hand. Due to my positive attitude, I know that I will find a solution, alone or together with others. My discipline, empathy and assertiveness support me in my projects.

Transform your wishes, dreams and goals into concrete results and successes 

Do you experience this, too? You know what you want to achieve, but somehow you never really get there? The „Knowing-Doing-Gap“ -phenomenon I often encounter in practice in the form of knowledge giants who are also implementation dwarfs. They are highly motivated, work far more than 40 hours/week, have ambitious goals, are innovative and have great ideas. However, these people lack a key qualification, namely the ability to transform their wishes, dreams, goals or plans into real results, outcomes or successes. Here you will find content to help you develop your skills in the areas of pragmatic action, strategic thinking and other aspects of volition, such as delegation.