Health n'Leadership - Consulting
Fit for the future – implementing or strengthening a healthy network in organizations
Regardless of whether a healthy basic structure already exists, or whether it is to be developed from scratch with all those involved – we accompany and consult in all phases of the process. The working world of the future is focused on the health and well-being of the individuals in an organisation – because this is how sustainable success can be achieved.
We always think and act in a networked and holistic way.

Healthy leadership, culture and values, behavioural preferences and the relationship climate of an organization are fundamentally responsible for the quality of communication, cooperation, and, trust.
We accompany individuals and organisations in this change process and together we achieve a successful transformation.
You get a customized solution for your organization through:
- our modular structure
- individual consulting approach
- the options of in-house support
You rely on an effective implementation through:
- specific coaching and training modules with real-life situations
- Interacting and learning with experienced consultants and lecturers
- orientation to real challenges
You ensure sustainable organizational success through:
- the integration into the organization’s strategy
- the empowerment of Change Management
- strengthening the in-house competence

Health n’Leadership Ambassador - Masterclass
Elevate your Health n’Leadership Skills to the next level.
The Health n’Leadership Ambassador is an Executive and Non-Executive Program and a valuable approach to your development and personal growth. It builds on the passion and perspectives of our faculty, participants, and environment. It empowers you in your personal growth on the topics of health and leadership both personally and professionally, driving change on the organizational side and making a difference in the world.
Become part of our Health n’Leaderdship Ambassador network, because health is not negotiable.
Key Benefits for you:
Learn and understand how Health n’Leadership can be used for
Examine your personal Health n’Leadership Mindset
- Reflect and practice healthy leadership strategies for your personal health
- Sharpen essential soft and professional skills to demonstrate how Hn’L can be applied to real–life situations consultants and lecturers
- Acquire proven techniques to strengthen your colleagues and organization
Become a Health n’Leadership Ambassador, who matters and designs a Health n’Leadership environment.
Who should attend
- Leaders at all levels
- Professionals and Executives
- Human Ressource Professionals
- All who are interested in the “Health n’Leadership Ambassador” Mindset