Health is not negotiable - Alexander W. Reitz
I faced health as an issue already at an early age and, for me being healthy wasn’t naturally given. I learned some coping strategies, but that wasn’t enough for me. Therefore I decided to dedicate myself to health and leadership. It was my dream as a “classical” C-Level Leader to ensure healthy structures and healthy working conditions. Unfortunately, the focus and the system at that time were different. So consequently, I decided to promote health and leadership in various functions such as entrepreneur, author, lecturer, and consultant since 2014. As a Health n’Leadership Ambassador, I advocate for both „healthy people“ and „healthy organizations“ from the bottom of my heart.

Hi, I’m Alex. Your Health n‘ Leadership ambassador.
Senator and Member of the Senat at Federal Association for Economic Development and Foreign Trade
Expert for Health Management and Health Leadership in the commission „Development and Skilled Worker Development“ at BWA.

Sahra A. Soule, Alexander Reitz & Abraham Verghese
Author at Publisher Verlag C.H.Beck oHG (est. 1753), Comment §20 SGB V Primäre Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung in: Arbeitsschutzrecht.
Participant at “The Innovative Health Care Leader – From Design Thinking to Personal Leadership”, Stanford – Graduate School of Business (GSB)