Hn'L Competence
LEAD yourself healthy.
LEAD your people healthy.
LEAD your business healthy.
Health is contagious. If a leader leads himself in a healthy way, he automatically has the health of his employees in mind and promotes health-oriented work in the team. This creates a healthy network on which the organization is based. Because health has so many facets, including healthy communication and (emotional) connections between people, we have developed our 360° Health n’Leadership approach.
It combines strategic analysis tools, coaching modules and Occupational Health Management methods with each other and has a modular structure. This means we can respond to a wide range of needs in a targeted way and find the best solution for our clients and their organizations.
What's in 360°
Health n’Leadership Concept?
This is about leadership on a personal level as well as leadership of teams. Healthy leaders value their own health on the job and at the same time focus on the needs of their team.
We focus on: